Built with integration, like ShareX but more uploaders will be officially supported.

Can be used for friends and family or just for you. Allows users to upload files,images, and text with moderation tools for admins.
ChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iOS that supports OTR and OMEMO encryption over XMPP. :camera: PictShare is an open source image, mp4, pastebin hosting service with a simple resizing and upload API that you can host yourself. It supports clients groups, system users roles, statistics, multiple languages, detailed logs.
You can share multiple files and folders simultaneously and multiple users can also download files at the same time. The tool offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to drag and drop files easily.
ProjectSend is a free, open source software that lets you share files with your clients, focused on ease of use and privacy. OnionShare is compatible with Mac OS X, Windows and Linux and it supports a wide variety of languages and international Unicode filenames. Content-addressable, peer-to-peer method of storing and sharing images on the internet. Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line. When comparing OnionShare and securedrop you can also consider the following projects: Every recipient would just retrieve your single 20GB file from the same source-your local disk. Attachments are stored as separate files and inside the email is sent attachment metadata. It is only within Speedgrader, however, that you can view the peer reviews from other students. in a project you would need to upload 10x20GiB while essentially needing to be online with your device for the whole time while the file is being uploaded You can either download the submission or head to Speedgrader. If you want to sent it to 10 different persons e.g. Hmm, that sounds only reasonable if you want to send this file only once. There hasn't been a service that's integrated all of this into one app/service. Maybe I should have used the word "straight-forward" instead of "good". OnionShare is an open source tool that lets you securely and anonymously share files, host websites, and chat with friends using the Tor network. You can also setup your thunderbird in a way, that it's using your Nextcloud instance to encrypt and upload any attachments automatically. journalists use for example, others put an encrypted file to their Nextcloud and share a link. The POGIL project is currently developing an Activity Clearinghouse which will permit the members to download reviewed and edited activities as well as. Not agreeing with that, there is encryption, Tor/I2P etc. Emails are treated just like files in the current system so it's not a big leap to extend the service to share other file formats. So basically some P2P-file sharing directly with a person e.g.

The idea with Telios is to federate the network and protocol to eventually replace the existing email protocol, whereas something like delta.chat is just augmenting the current system. You're right, there's no avoiding exposing metadata when communicating over the existing protocol. How would you route the packages/emails otherwise? So you need to expose metadata somewhere, either internally - so you have access to them - for routing or somewhere else. The paper adds to the literature by pointing to the theoretical mechanisms linking food insecurity to unrest, relating both to the type and degree of food insecurity, and how we understand and define unrest.But that is the central part of your distributed service, if I understand it right? The metadata are only encrypted for and within your service. Lastly, there is a challenge to address the endogenous nature of food insecurity and unrest. Third, the focus is often on “food riots”, but whether rioting is the most likely response, and whether it is possible to separate between “food-related” unrest and other types of turmoil is unclear.

Second, there exist various notions of the independent variable, but there is a gap between the theoretical definition and measurement. First, there is a wide range of suggested theoretical mechanisms of how food insecurity is linked to unrest, but the empirical tests are akin. This paper reviews the literature, synthesises its main empirical findings and central explanations, and identifies four particular issues to consider to enhance our understanding of how food insecurity is related to unrest. such as housing supply, infrastructure development and so on are to be examined, the social aspects such as. The food price spikes in 2007–20–2011 coincided with demonstrations and incidents of large-scale violence, prompting renewed scholarly interest in the link between food insecurity and unrest. Research on the relationship between food insecurity and unrest has a long history. This publication may be subject to copyright: please visit the publisher’s website for details. The final, definitive version can be found at the journal’s website.

This is the Reviewed, pre-typeset version of the article.